Samuel T. Cruickshank's birth date is listed as May, 1875 in the 1900 census. He was born in Tennessee.
The 1900 Census lists Samuel as being married for one year to his wife, Nina. His last name is spelled Crookshanks in this census. He and his wife, Nina (birth date listed as August, 1876, but age as 23), have been married for one year. He is employed as a farm laborer.
In the 1930 census, Samuel Cruickshank is listed as 48 years old and is employed by a private family as a chauffeur. The 1930 census incorrectly lists his last name as Cruikshanks.
In 1940, Samuel Cruickshank was living with his wife, Nina, daughter and son-in-law, Jeanette and Lyman Baker, and grandsons Lyman and Hearl Baker. He owned his home on Concord Road and was working as a chauffeur for a private family. The 1940 census incorrectly lists his last name as Crookshank. His age on this census is listed as 60.
*Note: There are many different spellings of Cruickshank in the census as reported which make following the family more difficult. The age of Mr. Cruickshank also varies with each census.