Welcome to the Pleasant Forest Graves List and Locator

Finding a gravesite at Pleasant Forest Cemetery is easy using our Alphabetical Graves Lists, which include a handy way to find a grave using the individual grave listing. After locating a name on the list, find the Lot number and go to the Maps Page on the website. It will show you a precise location. Graves in Section B and Section E can be found using a GPS coordination, although both sections are relatively small and most gravesites can be found by carefully walking the grounds. There are many graves of historical significance and Pleasant Forest remains a vital part of the community with burials up to the present

Left Photo: grave after temporary non-invasive name enhancement  Right Photo: original grave

Thanks to the efforts of Mike Karnitz and Dave Stinton the oldest marked grave in Pleasant Forest has finally been correctly identified.  The stone was placed in 1806 and the years had not been kind to the marker. For years it was understood that the grave was that of a little girl and was listed as Wilma Cole. Mike and Dave tried a gentle method using flour blown into the letters and found that the grave was actually that of a young boy, the abbreviation "WILM" for William, middle initial S., and last name of Cole. We would appreciate any information local families might have on this little child.

Our Oldest Resident at 103

Milley Alexander is the oldest woman buried at Pleasant Forest. Born Dec 12, 1793, and died June 15, 1897. While little is known of Milley Alexander's life, the size and quality of her tombstone reflects how dedicated the family is to her memory. Few people born in the late 1700's saw their 40th birthday and Milley's longevity is amazing for that time.


Captain Thomas Boyd (1754-1814) served under General George Washington in the War of Independence from 1776-1778. He married Ann Martin in 1778 and moved to Tennessee in 1780. His grave can be found on the MAPS page in  LOT: 296 COORD: G-20. This is an area with many older historic gravesites. 


Section F is a modern addition with an expansive lawn ringed by trees and a lovely white fence. Click here for more information.

Our new Columbarium plaza, in the heart of the historic area of Pleasant Forest, has a contemplation bench to rest on while visiting loved ones. For more information on this area contact: Dave Stinton 865-250-0056 or Mike Karnitz 865-966-8219.


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