Dail, Thomas McClellen |
6/11/1939 |
10/14/2011 |
349 |
H-24 |
Dalton, George W. |
1823 +/- |
12/15/1899 |
385 |
E-27 |
Age 83 years |
On stone with Mary W. Dalton |
Dalton, Mary W. |
1819 +/- |
6/19/1897 |
385 |
E-27 |
Age 73 years |
On stone with George W. Dalton |
Dalton, Millard Fillmore |
1857 |
12/19/1922 |
Dalton, Suzanne |
4/19/1967 |
4/1/2022 |
336 |
Age 54 |
Daly, Mira |
8/16/1908 |
6/22/2001 |
506 |
I-75 |
Daniel, Mattie L. |
10/15/1895 |
10/26/1975 |
024 |
D-07 |
Age 80 |
Daniel, Roy Lee |
5/14/1892 |
4/11/1969 |
024 |
D-07 |
Age 77 |
Daniells, Bonnie R. |
4/11/1938 |
7/16/2014 |
252 |
Age 76 |
Daves, Karen |
7/11/1945 |
12/17/2017 |
031 |
Age 72 |
Daves, Ronald G. |
7/1/1943 |
8/9/2017 |
031 |
Age 74 |
Davis, Edward R. |
4/13/1937 |
8/11/2019 |
163 |
Age 82 |
Davis, Joseph (Joe) |
4/--/1858 |
3/23/1927 |
390 |
J-27 |
Buried next to his wife, Mary Russell Davis |
Davis, Mary |
10/14/1866 |
9/3/1918 |
Russell |
390 |
J-27 |
Thy will be done |
Wife of "Uncle Joe" Davis, beloved custodian at Farragut School |
Deal, Anna Hurt |
12/25/1941 |
9/30/2020 |
Hurt |
718 |
Deal Sr., Carlton |
8/20/1941 |
3/5/2021 |
718 |
Age 79 |
Dean, Brenda Darlene |
10/9/1963 |
2/5/2018 |
335 |
Decker, Lawrence Ray |
5/20/1945 |
6/14/2013 |
336 |
Decker, Stacia |
11/14/1948 |
8/18/2017 |
Cook |
336 |
Age 68 |
Delcour, Steven Kurt |
11/16/1938 |
2/4/2014 |
194 |
Age 75 |
Demers, Robert G. |
5/24/1935 |
12/19/2005 |
145 |
P-10 |
On stone with Ruth A. Demers |
Demers, Ruth |
6/1/1940 |
11/27/2021 |
145 |
On stone with Robert Demers |
Dennis, Bernice F. |
5/8/1923 |
9/13/2002 |
Flanagan |
066 |
H-06 |
God is our refuge and strength |
On stone with Theodore Dennis |
Dennis, Charles |
5/17/1935 |
2024 |
114 |
Dennis, Margaret I. |
5/10/1918 |
11/14/1998 |
103 |
J-04 |
Mother Hope |
Dennis, Nancy D. |
11/6/1929 |
5/22/2001 |
114 |
L-05 |
Precious Lord take my hand |
On stone with Charles R. Dennis |
Dennis, Raymond |
4/27/1913 |
9/20/1967 |
093 |
J-05 |
Age 54 |
Dennis, Samuel Edward |
9/17/1897 |
3/11/1980 |
093 |
J-05 |
Age 83 |
Dennis, Theodore |
8/13/1911 |
3/17/1966 |
066 |
H-06 |
World War II. Pfc Hq. Co. BSM-PH 121 Infantry |
On stone with Bernice F. Dennis |
Dennis, Theodore, Jr. |
10/2/1951 |
10/2/1951 |
066 |
H-06 |
Infant |
Desmond, Barbara |
1933 |
11/22/2021 |
Tistle |
124 |
Age 88 |
Derrick, Gladys N. |
12/22/1913 |
12/31/1955 |
051 |
G-05 |
On stone with Jake Derrick |
Derrick, Jake |
2/23/1910 |
2/19/1966 |
051 |
G-05 |
On stone with Gladys N. Derrick |
Detamore, Trippe Graham |
4/8/1993 |
7/4/1993 |
023 |
D-06 |
DeWine, Barbara |
11/7/1955 |
10/23/2023 |
Kivett |
216 |
3W12 |
Columbarium |
Dickinson, Donna |
12/10/1947 |
10/1/2024 |
Pigott |
620 |
Age 76 |
Dixon, Barbara Jean "MeMe" |
9/21/1944 |
10/6/2009 |
Cadd |
515 |
H-73 |
Loving Mother |
Divelbiss, Dale A. |
7/20/1930 |
6/7/2020 |
375 |
Cremation Garden |
Divelbiss, Charmaine |
12/2/1929 |
2/25/2009 |
375 |
Dixon, Grace D. |
8/21/1931 |
4/15/1994 |
107 |
K-07 |
Married July 14, 1951 Mother |
On stone with William H. Dixon |
Dixon, Natalie |
7/15/1990 |
4/21/2020 |
118 |
Buried in front of Dixie Harrison headstone |
Dixon, William H. |
8/23/1929 |
3/30/1998 |
107 |
K-07 |
Married July 14, 1951 Father |
On stone with Grace D. Dixon |
Dixon, William H., Jr. |
10/27/1957 |
6/8/2005 |
107 |
K-07 |
Beloved Brother, Father, Friend |
Doak, Anna Marie |
3/17/1933 |
11/1/2021 |
Dunn |
348 |
Age 88 |
Doak, Elizabeth M. |
4/17/1798 |
8/23/1865 |
Galbraith |
248 |
I-16 |
Our Mother rest in peace. Aged 67 Yr. 4 Mo. and 6 days. Married Aug 17,1823 |
Wife of Rev. Samuel Harvey Doak |
Doak, Sallie D. |
10/5/1836 |
8/14/1864 |
249 |
J-16 |
Wife of S.C.N. Doak (27 years, 10 Months, 9 days) Married August 11, 1857 |
Doak, Samuel Harvey |
1800 |
4/12/1848 |
248 |
I-16 |
This stone erected by the people of his charge marks the burial place of Samuel Harvey Doak - A faithful and dedicated minister of the Gospel. A kind and affectionate friend. In the 48th year of his age, on th 12th day of April 1848, he ceased from his works and entered into his rest |
Husband of Elizabeth Martin, m 8/17/1823 |
Dorcas, Phillip M. |
11/25/1986 |
12/13/2018 |
374 |
Age 32 |
Dorris, Eva Sue |
3/14/1943 |
8/23/2012 |
164 |
R-14 |
Age 69 |
Dougherty, Caroline |
3/18/1926 |
1/17/1987 |
Russell |
150 |
P-15 |
Dougherty, Tom |
6/13/1923 |
4/27/2011 |
150 |
P-15 |
Age 87 |
Doughty, B.J. |
9/25,1855 |
m Rachel A. Craig 6/13/1854 Knox Co., TN. On stone with Rachel Doughty |
Doughty, Infant |
9/25/1855 |
6/17/1858 |
244 |
E-16 |
Infant son of B.F. & R.A. Doughty |
Doughty, Rachael |
6/16/1858 |
Dovenbarger, Isaac Almon |
9/17/2006 |
9/17/2006 |
519 |
H-72 |
Our beloved son, Delivered directly to the Lord |
Infant son |
Dowling, Casandra |
9/3/1853 |
7/21/1897 |
303 |
A-21 |
Dowling, Hugh |
5/10/1814 |
1/17/1892 |
304 |
B-21 |
m Nancy Caline Callaway 7/2/1840 |
Dowling, John |
8/28/1855 |
1/31/1917 |
304 |
B-21 |
On stone with Margaret E. Dowling. m Margaret Elnora Fox 9/24/1875, James |
Dowling,Margaret Elnora |
8/27/1855 |
4/6/1901 |
Fox |
304 |
B-21 |
m John Dowling 9/24/1875, James B. Ginn MG. On stone with John Dowling |
Dowling, Nancy Carline |
6/5/1825 |
8/27/1886 |
Callaway |
304 |
B-21 |
m Hugh Dowling 7/2/1840. S. Callaway JP |
Doyle, Holly Frances |
Infant |
9/26/2008 |
110 |
K-10 |
Our Beloved Daughter |
Infant |
Draper, Clifford C. |
2/16/1924 |
12/4/2005 |
135 |
N-11 |
Our precious Daddy Precious Lord take my hand |
On stone with Frances J. Draper. m 12/22/1951 |
Draper, Frances J. |
5/9/1932 |
1/1/2004 |
135 |
N-11 |
Our loving Mother. Precious Lord take my hand |
On stone with Clifford C. Draper H203 m. 12/22/1951 |
Duke, Tyler Garrett |
11/1/1987 |
11/30/2009 |
010 |
The Lord is my light and salvation whom shall I fear. The Lord is the strength of my life of whom I shall be afraid. Now is the beginning of the real story. All his life had only been the cover and at last he is beginning chapter one on the great story which no one on earth has read which goes on forever in which every chapter is bigger than the one before. |
Dukes, Kimberly |
11/1/1957 |
12/28/2024 |
Taylor |
605 |
Dunlap, John |
2/3/1898 |
2/3/1979 |
101 |
H-04 |
At rest. Age 81. Pvt. U.S. Army |