Baessler, Sharon |
11/19/1947 |
7/30/2017 |
Sultan |
363 |
Age 69 |
Bailes, Kristi |
Canan |
216 |
Age 51 |
Bair, Patricia |
1/6/1946 |
3/30/2010 |
040 |
F-05 |
Baker, Luther Clint |
2/15/1953 |
9/22/2022 |
116 |
Ball, Margaret |
6/29/1954 |
12/11/1999 |
510 |
I-74 |
Wed. March 23,1996 Eye has not seen nor the ear heard the things which God has prepared for those who love him |
On stone with Stephen R. Ball |
Ball, Stephen R. |
12/27/1952 |
510 |
I-74 |
Wed. March 23, 1996 Eye has not seen nor the ear heard the things which God has prepared for those who love him |
On stone with Margaret Ball |
Ballard, Margaret C. |
8/10/1907 |
5/25/1963 |
Conner |
188 |
I-11 |
Ballenger, James Farmer |
3/30/1936 |
3/19/2000 |
517 |
J-72 |
Bang, Jin Moon |
11/20/1916 |
6/14/2004 |
511 |
H-74 |
Barber, Robert C. |
6/21/1940 |
12/31/2022 |
162 |
Age 82 |
Barnes, Mervyn |
7/31/1963 |
7/20/2011 |
174 |
T-13 |
Age 47 |
Barnes, Christopher |
11/4/1967 |
12/31/2021 |
Barnett, Ginger |
4/21/1953 |
11/10/2020 |
Knott |
175 |
Barnett, Terry |
9/4/1946 |
11/23/2024 |
175 |
Barry, John |
10/24/1949 |
4/21/2018 |
389 |
Bates, Margaret Ellen |
3/22/1860 |
3/8/1962 |
Meroney |
333 |
E-23 |
102 Years old. Daughter of N.R. & Catherine Meroney |
Bates, Matthew |
1/20/1993 |
9/23/2012 |
516 |
G-73 |
Age 19 |
Bates, Arvid Raymond |
9/2/1930 |
9/14/2019 |
516 |
Age 89 |
Bearden, Jr., Roy E. |
7/23/1955 |
4/11/2018 |
374 |
Age 62 |
Bedwell, Michael O. |
3/1/1947 |
11/21/2020 |
748 |
Beeler, Anna May |
5/10/1936 |
3/10/2019 |
Derrick |
051 |
Age 82 |
Beintema, William |
1944 |
11/12/2015 |
715 |
Bell, Alexander |
5/11/1848 |
221 |
J-14 |
Age 18 years, 6 months |
Bennett, Terry D. |
9/4/1946 |
11/3/2024 |
175 |
Berg, Jeanette Allison "Jenny" |
10/14/1965 |
8/21/1992 |
031 |
E-07 |
Beloved Daughter of Karen and Ron Daves and Robert Berg. Sister of Kirsten and Chip. Granddaughter of Bill and Jeanette Cottrell. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith |
Berry, Mary |
1876 |
7/2/1924 |
Roy |
183 |
D-11 |
Bevins Beulah R. |
3/15/1931 |
5/27/2016 |
114 |
Age 85 |
Bewley, H. Dale |
1/23/1943 |
6/19/2007 |
131 |
N-07 |
Bidwell, Bobbie A. |
9/14/1937 |
3/1/2009 |
501 |
J-76 |
On stone with Bobby K. Bidwell |
Bidwell, Bobby K. |
10/4/1934 |
7/2/2014 |
501 |
J-76 |
On stone with Bobbie A. Bidwell |
Bidwell, William |
7/19/1942 |
1/6/2017 |
501 |
Billingsley, Jimmy |
7/26/1932 |
1/25/2014 |
362 |
Age 81 |
Billingsley, Jo |
9/5/1931 |
5/2/2015 |
362 |
Age 83 |
Blackett, Patricia D. |
10/23/1936 |
4/26/2023 |
Davis |
742 |
Blalock, Allene N. |
5/3/1935 |
1/30/2024 |
Sammons |
142 |
O-12 |
On stone with T. Vaughn Blalock |
Blalock, Theron Vaughn |
1/9/1934 |
12/28/2000 |
142 |
O-12 |
Dad This is my Father's world. all nature sings |
On stone with Allene S. Blalock |
Blankenship, Peggy |
12/18/1932 |
1/30/2021 |
134 |
Blankenship, William |
6/13/1930 |
11/23/2020 |
134 |
Bobek, Libuse |
5/24/1947 |
2/27/2021 |
732 |
Age 73 |
Bobek, Miroslav |
8/2/1941 |
2/8/2021 |
732 |
Age 79 |
Bowlin, Barbara (Gilbertson) |
5/25/1936 |
7/15/2017 |
White |
105 |
K-05 |
On stone with Don Bowlin |
Bowlin, Don M., Sr. |
2/15/1935 |
5/23/1986 |
105 |
K-05 |
Bonglin, Infant |
9/23/1855 |
6/16/1858 |
Infant son of B.J. & B.A. Bonglin |
Bonham, Frank E. |
11/15/1869 |
7/1/1871 |
321 |
F-22 |
Bonham, Infant |
7/12/1865 |
7/12/1865 |
321 |
F-22 |
Infant son of R.C. and Sarah E. Bonham |
Bonham, Mary A. |
7/2/1814 |
1/20/1884 |
321 |
F-22 |
Our Mother Rest in Peace |
Bonham, William |
12/25/1804 |
7/31/1869 |
321 |
F-22 |
Our Father Asleep in Jesus |
Boruff, Frances |
7/5/1938 |
9/24/2023 |
Roberts |
521 |
Age 85 |
Boswell, Barbara Jean "Bobbie" |
9/1/1936 |
3/27/2008 |
Newcombe |
096 |
J-08 |
Age 71 |
Boswell, Gary |
1962 |
3/-/2002 |
117 |
Age 40 |
Botica, Karin Elizabeth |
4/3/1959 |
3/31/2013 |
146 |
P-11 |
Age 53 |
Bouldin, James Eason |
7/1/1936 |
3/29/1999 |
507 |
H-75 |
Have faith in God |
Bowman, Stephen |
3/8/1956 |
10/23/2018 |
708 |
Boyd, Ann D. |
6/19/1799 |
2/20/1853 |
Wilson |
275 |
J-18 |
Wife of Thomas Boyd, Age 53 Years, 8 Months |
Boyd, Ann |
1757 |
1814 |
Martin |
Boyd, Mary L. |
9/27/1816 |
7/19/1869 |
Bogle |
264 |
K-17 |
Wife of Thos. Boyd, Age 52 years, 9 months, 22 days |
Boyd, Thomas |
1754 |
1814 |
296 |
G-20 |
Moved to Tennessee 1780. Married Ann Martin 1778. Captain under Washington 1776-1778 |
Boyd, Thomas |
1/8/1801 |
4/15/1876 |
265 |
L-17 |
He rests from his labors and his works do follow him, Aged 75 Yrs. 3 Mos. and 7 Days |
Brackett, John Carl |
9/8/1885 |
11/28/1951 |
050 |
G-06 |
Brackett, Margaret Ruth |
4/12/1916 |
11/7/1987 |
050 |
G-06 |
Brackett, Mattie |
8/13/1888 |
1/29/1960 |
Campbell |
050 |
G-06 |
Bradshaw, Mary Eliza |
1881 |
1974 |
Gound |
198 |
J-12 |
Branam, Charles H. |
1898 |
1975 |
100 |
G-04 |
Age 78 |
Branam, Ernest H. |
8/6/1927 |
6/21/2012 |
126 |
M-09 |
For I know whome I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day |
On stone with Geraldine P. Branam Wed. Aug. 12, 1944 |
Branam, Geraldine P. |
7/8/1924 |
6/14/2016 |
126 |
M-09 |
For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day |
On stone with Ernest H. Branam Wed. Aug. 12, 1944 |
Branam, Mary C. |
1903 |
1983 |
100 |
G-04 |
Age 80 |
Brazeale, Amanda |
11/30/1879 |
3/15/1932 |
Age 52 |
Brazeale, M.D.L. |
8/23/1852 |
4/11/1907 |
187 |
H-11 |
On stone wiht wife Sallie Brazeale |
Brazeale, Sallie |
6/16/1853 |
4/12/1914 |
187 |
H-11 |
Blesssed are the dead who die in the Lord. Wife of M.D.L. Brazeale |
On stone with husband M.D.L. Brazeale |
Breazeale, Mollie |
7/5/1857 |
12/24/1939 |
Meroney |
333 |
E-23 |
She loved Jesus. Wife of Thomas Breazeale. Daughter of Catherine Meroney |
Brewer, Regina "Gale" |
12/2/1943 |
3/29/2007 |
148 |
P-13 |
Bright, John Timothy |
1/26/1938 |
11/7/2011 |
124 |
M-07 |
Bright, Ronald |
2/12/1953 |
6/27/2016 |
706 |
Bright, Sherry |
3/27/1954 |
8/7/2023 |
Shipley |
706 |
Age 69 |
Bristow, Thomas |
3/8/1965 |
5/27/2023 |
721 |
Age 58 |
Brkovic, Renato |
6/6/1997 |
10/30/2024 |
Age 27 |
Brooke, William |
12/1/1943 |
9/7/2024 |
728 |
Age 80 |
Brown, John E., Jr. |
3/5/1926 |
7/27/1992 |
116 |
L-07 |
US Navy |
On stone with Nell M. Brown |
Brown, Lela |
2/17/1953 |
12/21/2020 |
Thomas |
741 |
Brown, Nell M. |
12/9/1931 |
5/9/2020 |
116 |
L-07 |
On stone with John E. Brown |
Broyles, Arnold C., Jr. |
11/27/1940 |
3/17/2016 |
024 |
Broyles, Arnold C., Sr. |
7/30/1911 |
5/10/1977 |
024 |
D-07 |
Age 66 |
On stone with wife Marie Broyles |
Broyles, Lisa |
11/16/1969 |
5/27/2017 |
024 |
Broyles, Margaret |
2/12/1952 |
11/13/2015 |
024 |
Broyles, Marie E. |
4/28/1917 |
4/15/1984 |
Mitchell |
024 |
D-07 |
Wife of Arnold C. Broyles, Sr. |
On stone with husband Arnold Broyles, Sr. |
Brumback, Leda Mae |
3/28/2023 |
12/25/2010 |
Gentry |
161 |
R-11 |
Age 87 |
Buehler, Janet |
10/2/1943 |
10/12/2024 |
622 |
Buhler, Ruth Helene |
6/4/1922 |
8/21/2009 |
Anderson |
168 |
S-12 |
Buhler, William K. |
4/28/1918 |
2/26/2015 |
168 |
Burnett, Louise M. |
4/20/1928 |
3/13/1984 |
076 |
I-05 |
Burnette, Richard Alan |
10/1/1953 |
3/30/1994 |
121 |
L-12 |
Truly thine |
Bush, Mai E. |
1880 |
1965 |
333 |
E-23 |
On stone with husband Thomas H. Bush |
Bush, Thomas H. |
1877 |
1948 |
333 |
E-23 |
On stone with wife Mai E. Bush |
Byers, Betty J. |
8/10/1928 |
12/23/2010 |
148 |
P-13 |
Precious Lord take my hand |
On stone with Joseph E. Byers |
Byers, David E., Sr. |
3/20/1945 |
1/19/2007 |
148 |
P-11 |
Going Home Dad |
Byers, Joseph E. |
5/17/1925 |
1/19/1997 |
148 |
P-13 |
Daddy US Navy World War II Precious Lord take my hand |
On stone with Betty J. Byers |